Marmot crafts professional quality outdoor gear, born from working mountain guides and instructors. Inspired by the Alpinist spirit of adventure to search and achieve in a harsh world, our products are simple, appropriate, dependable and good looking.
Designed with Adventure in Mind - Trusted for their lightweight, true-to-size fit and flatlock seams to prevent irritation and chafing, jackets in our Rocklin collection offer another reason to love the outdoors.
Constructed with features tailored to the intrepid explorer, the Rocklin Jacket is a must-have cold weather layer.
Explore in Comfort - Warm, premium quality 100-weight fleece; durable, full-zip jacket for everyday wear; perfect layer under a puffer or rain jacket when temperatures drop
1. Free from PFAS
2. Without PFAS
3. Lacking PFAS
4. No PFAS present
5. Exempt from PFAS
6. PFAS not included
7. PFAS eliminated
8. PFAS absent
9. PFAS is not part of this
10. Does not contain PFAS
Form, Meet Function - Versatile enough to be worn as a top layer in mild conditions or as a mid-layer when extreme temperatures demand extra warmth, Zippered hand pockets store personal items securely when on the go.
Men's Classic Rocklin Fleece Jacket - Warm and Lightweight
Marmot crafts professional quality outdoor gear, born from working mountain guides and instructors. Inspired by the Alpinist spirit of adventure to search and achieve in a harsh world, our products are simple, appropriate, dependable and good looking.
Designed with Adventure in Mind - Trusted for their lightweight, true-to-size fit and flatlock seams to prevent irritation and chafing, jackets in our Rocklin collection offer another reason to love the outdoors.
Constructed with features tailored to the intrepid explorer, the Rocklin Jacket is a must-have cold weather layer.
Explore in Comfort - Warm, premium quality 100-weight fleece; durable, full-zip jacket for everyday wear; perfect layer under a puffer or rain jacket when temperatures drop
1. Free from PFAS
2. Without PFAS
3. Lacking PFAS
4. No PFAS present
5. Exempt from PFAS
6. PFAS not included
7. PFAS eliminated
8. PFAS absent
9. PFAS is not part of this
10. Does not contain PFAS
Form, Meet Function - Versatile enough to be worn as a top layer in mild conditions or as a mid-layer when extreme temperatures demand extra warmth, Zippered hand pockets store personal items securely when on the go.